Welcome to Damascus

Capital City of Syria

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Damascus Jasmine

why Damascus?

Damascus, the city of Jasmine

It is colloquially known in Syria as ash-Sham and titled the City of Jasmine. In addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is a major cultural centre of the Levant and the Arab world. The city has an estimated population of 1,711,000 as of 2009.

Why is Damascus known as the City of Jasmine?
Although the most fragrant of roses bears the name rosa damascena, Damascus rose, the Syrian capital is known as Madinat Al Yasmine, the City of ­Jasmine. Each fall it holds a festival in homage of this national flower, with people giving each other stems of jasmine and decorating their home with fragrant blossoms. It was even held in recent years, despite the conflict that left thousands dead and millions displaced, with flowers given to those who lost loved ones.


My favorite activities in Damascus

Alazem Palace

Al Azem Palace

The palace was built during the Ottoman era over the former site of a Mamluk palace as a residence for the governor of Damascus, As'ad Pasha al-Azm during the reign of Sultan Mahmud I. Serving as a joint residence and guesthouse, the palace was a monument to 18th-century Arab architecture. The palace was built by 800 workers in a span of three years, and the building was decorated with highly sophisticated and expensive decorative elements. And now it is the Museum of Arts.


Al-Buzuriyah Souq

What I like about it

Architecture is an excellent example of Damascene traditional houses. The structure consists of several buildings and three wings

Mount Qasioun

Mount Qasioun

Mount Qasioun is a mountain overlooking the city of Damascus, Syria. It has a range of restaurants, from which the whole city can be viewed. As the city has expanded over the years, some districts have been established at the foot of the mountain. Its highest point is 1,151 metres. The mountain was heavily entrenched with Syrian government forces from the start of the Syrian Civil War, as it was a strategic site in the battle for the outskirts of Damascus.



What I like about it

The term Qasioun might mean "hard and dry" in Syriac language, which is the characteristic of the bare rocky mountain that has no grass, greenery, or water.

Khan Asaad Pasha

Khan As'ad Pasha

Khan As'ad Pasha is the largest caravanserai in the Old City of Damascus, covering an area of 2,500 square metres. Situated along Al-Buzuriyah Souq, it was built and named after As'ad Pasha al-Azm, the governor of Damascus. Khan As'ad Pasha has been described as one of the finest khans of Damascus.


Al-Buzuriyah Souq

What I like about it

The design of the khan included eight small domes and one large central opening reminiscent of Persian architecture, while the eight domes reflect Shia tradition. The covered courtyard features a high ceiling height which helped provide protection from the climate during the hot summer and cold winter seasons


Photo from Damascus